Marketing MCQ
Even though it has been around for years, people never tire of eating at the White Hall Inn Restaurant. The customers who frequent the restaurant say it is the cleanest, most comfortable restaurant in town and the staff is always impeccably dressed and very courteous. Based on this feedback, the White Hall Inn would receive high marks on which service quality dimension?
Even though it has been around for years, people never tire of eating at the White Hall Inn Restaurant. The customers who frequent the restaurant say it is the cleanest, most comfortable restaurant in town and the staff is always impeccably dressed and very courteous. Based on this feedback, the White Hall Inn would receive high marks on which service quality dimension?
Even though it has been around for years, people never tire of eating at the White Hall Inn Restaurant. The customers who frequent the restaurant say it is the cleanest, most comfortable restaurant in town and the staff is always impeccably dressed and very courteous. Based on this feedback, the White Hall Inn would receive high marks on which service quality dimension?
A. reliability
B. responsiveness
C. assurance
D. tangibles
E. empathy
Answer: D. tangibles
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