According to Kurtz/lecture, all of the following are true of the last 3 personal determinants of consumer behavior—3) Attitudes, 4) Learning, and 5) Self-Concept—EXCEPT:

According to Kurtz/lecture, all of the following are true of the last 3 personal determinants of consumer behavior—3) Attitudes, 4) Learning, and 5) Self-Concept—EXCEPT:

a) Attitudes comprise persons' favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions, and action tendencies toward some object or idea

b) Learning is a knowledge or skill acquired as a result of experience, even though experience rarely changes consumer behavior patterns

c) Self-concept theory comprises a person's multifaceted picture of himself or herself

d) Shaping is the process of applying a series of rewards and reinforcements to permit more complex behavior to evolve

Answer: B

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