Marketing MCQ
After receiving your air ticket, you realize it is an aisle seat you dislike aisle seats because the drink cart always hits your elbow! You head to the check-in counter where two flight attendants are conversing among themselves, seemingly ignoring you. You wait for one minute before clearing your throat, and asking if there are any window seats available. The flight attendants were not very _____________ to you standing there.
After receiving your air ticket, you realize it is an aisle seat you dislike aisle seats because the drink cart always hits your elbow! You head to the check-in counter where two flight attendants are conversing among themselves, seemingly ignoring you. You wait for one minute before clearing your throat, and asking if there are any window seats available. The flight attendants were not very _____________ to you standing there.
After receiving your air ticket, you realize it is an aisle seat you dislike aisle seats because the drink cart always hits your elbow! You head to the check-in counter where two flight attendants are conversing among themselves, seemingly ignoring you. You wait for one minute before clearing your throat, and asking if there are any window seats available. The flight attendants were not very _____________ to you standing there.
Answer: B
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