In the famous case where Coca-Cola introduced New Coke after much research, the failure of New Coke was largely due to a marketing research barrier identified as ________.

In the famous case where Coca-Cola introduced New Coke after much research, the failure of New Coke was largely due to a marketing research barrier identified as ________.

a. a narrow conception of the research
b. uneven caliber of researchers
c. poor framing of the problem
d. late and occasional erroneous findings
e. personality and presentation differences

Answer: c

In spite of the rapid growth of marketing research, many companies still fail to use it sufficiently or correctly. Barriers to the use of marketing research include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

In spite of the rapid growth of marketing research, many companies still fail to use it sufficiently or correctly. Barriers to the use of marketing research include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

a. a broad conception of the research
b. uneven caliber of researchers
c. poor framing of the problem
d. late and occasionally erroneous findings
e. personality and presentational differences

Answer: a

A ________ has been defined as being a coordinated collection of data, systems, tools, and techniques with supporting software and hardware by which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information from business and environment and turns it into a basis for marketing action.

A ________ has been defined as being a coordinated collection of data, systems, tools, and techniques with supporting software and hardware by which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information from business and environment and turns it into a basis for marketing action.

a. marketing information system
b. marketing intelligence system
c. marketing decision support system
d. marketing research system
e. database management system

Answer: c

All of the following are considered to be advantages of online research EXCEPT that ________.

All of the following are considered to be advantages of online research EXCEPT that ________.

a. online research is inexpensive
b. online research is fast
c. online research is relatively free of technological problems and inconsistencies
d. online research is versatile
e. people tend to be more honest online than in other interviewing methods

Answer: c

If a marketing researcher wished to reach people who would not give personal interviews or whose responses might be biased or distorted by the interviewers, he or she should choose the ________ as the best way to reach people.

If a marketing researcher wished to reach people who would not give personal interviews or whose responses might be biased or distorted by the interviewers, he or she should choose the ________ as the best way to reach people.

a. mail questionnaire
b. telephone interview
c. online interview
d. focus group interview
e. cell phone interview

Answer: a

If a marketing researcher asks subjects what kind of person they think of when the brand is mentioned in order to understand how consumers feel about a particular brand, the marketing researcher is using the ________ approach.

If a marketing researcher asks subjects what kind of person they think of when the brand is mentioned in order to understand how consumers feel about a particular brand, the marketing researcher is using the ________ approach.

a. word association
b. projective
c. visualization
d. brand personification
e. laddering

Answer: d

Which of the following types of tests shows a picture and asks respondents to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?

Which of the following types of tests shows a picture and asks respondents to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the picture?

a. Word association
b. Completely unstructured question
c. Story completion
d. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
e. Holistic association

Answer: d

A question that uses a scale that connects two bipolar words wherein the respondent selects the point that represents his or her opinion is called ________.

A question that uses a scale that connects two bipolar words wherein the respondent selects the point that represents his or her opinion is called ________.

a. a dichotomous question
b. a multiple-choice question
c. a Likert scale
d. the semantic differential
e. a word association question

Answer: d

All of the following are rules of thumb for questionnaire design EXCEPT ________.

All of the following are rules of thumb for questionnaire design EXCEPT ________.

a. making questions as simple as possible
b. making the questions specific
c. ensuring that fixed responses overlap
d. avoiding hypothetical questions
e. avoiding questions with a negative in them

Answer: c

A ________ is a gathering of 6 to 10 people who are carefully selected based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss at length various topics of interest.

A ________ is a gathering of 6 to 10 people who are carefully selected based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss at length various topics of interest.

a. market maven
b. virtual research market
c. consumer dyad
d. focus group
e. Nielsen sample family

Answer: d

The first step in the marketing research process is to ________.

The first step in the marketing research process is to ________.

a. develop a research plan
b. define the problem and research objectives
c. analyze the internal environment
d. read marketing research journals
e. contact a professional consultant

Answer: b

All of the following would be among the ways that small companies can conduct marketing research in creative and affordable ways EXCEPT ________.

All of the following would be among the ways that small companies can conduct marketing research in creative and affordable ways EXCEPT ________.

a. using the Internet
b. engaging students to design and carry out projects
c. checking out rivals
d. engaging professors to design and carry out projects
e. hiring syndicated-service research firms to conduct projects

Answer: e

If a marketing research firm were also known as a field-service firm (e.g., it sells its field interviewing services to other firms), it would be called a ________.

If a marketing research firm were also known as a field-service firm (e.g., it sells its field interviewing services to other firms), it would be called a ________.

a. custom marketing research firm
b. syndicated-service research firm
c. specialty-line marketing research firm
d. general-line marketing research firm
e. systematic marketing research firm

Answer: c

Which of the following types of marketing research firms would best be described as being one that gathers consumer and trade information which they sell for a fee (e.g., Nielsen Media Research)?

Which of the following types of marketing research firms would best be described as being one that gathers consumer and trade information which they sell for a fee (e.g., Nielsen Media Research)?

a. Custom marketing research firms
b. Syndicated-service research firms
c. Specialty-line marketing research firms
d. General-line marketing research firms
e. Nonprofit marketing research firms

Answer: b

A marketing research firm intends to ask consumers a question that reads "Do you intend to buy a automobile within the next six months?" Consumers could respond in several ways including no chance, slight possibility, fair possibility, good possibility, high possibility, and certain. Which of the following terms most accurately categorizes the type of scale that the marketing researcher will want to use in the research effort?

A marketing research firm intends to ask consumers a question that reads "Do you intend to buy a automobile within the next six months?" Consumers could respond in several ways including no chance, slight possibility, fair possibility, good possibility, high possibility, and certain. Which of the following terms most accurately categorizes the type of scale that the marketing researcher will want to use in the research effort?

a. Buying ratio scale
b. Behavioral scale
c. Attitude scale
d. Purchase probability scale
e. Market-test scale

Answer: d

A high market-penetration index suggests that ________.

A high market-penetration index suggests that ________.

a. a substantial growth potential exists for all firms in the market
b. there will be increased costs of attracting the few remaining prospects
c. mistakes have been made in selecting the correct promotional alternatives
d. the price of the product or service is too high with respect to competition would be great time to expand distribution outlets

Answer: b

Barry's company sells in a nonexpansible market. As a marketer, Barry should focus on ________.

Barry's company sells in a nonexpansible market. As a marketer, Barry should focus on ________.

a. increasing marketing expenditure to increase the overall market size
b. more effectively allocating his budget to increase demand for his company's product category
c. decreasing the marketing sensitivity of demand for his product
d. improving his company's market share by attracting competitors' customers
e. all of the above

Answer: d

Jason is examining a recent breakdown of his company's West Coast market. The terms in the report are somewhat confusing because there was no attached vocabulary key to assist the uninformed reader. Jason is looking for the set of consumers who are currently buying his company's products. Which of the following terms will assist him in finding the right column for his data query?

Jason is examining a recent breakdown of his company's West Coast market. The terms in the report are somewhat confusing because there was no attached vocabulary key to assist the uninformed reader. Jason is looking for the set of consumers who are currently buying his company's products. Which of the following terms will assist him in finding the right column for his data query?

a. Potential market
b. Bilateral market
c. Available market
d. Target market
e. Penetrated market

Answer: e

The most important task of a marketing researcher is to ________.

The most important task of a marketing researcher is to ________.

a. identify consumer insights
b. assess the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing activities
c. develop new product offerings
d. identify potential market openings for the firm to exploit
e. all of the above

Answer: b

Some marketing managers view marketing research as little more than a clerical activity and treat it as such. This is a reflection of which of the barriers that must be overcome if successful marketing research is to occur?

Some marketing managers view marketing research as little more than a clerical activity and treat it as such. This is a reflection of which of the barriers that must be overcome if successful marketing research is to occur?

a. Uneven caliber of researchers
b. Poor framing of the problem
c. Erroneous findings
d. Personality differences
e. Presentation differences

Answer: a

If a marketing researcher were to use careful observation, hypotheses, prediction, and testing to ensure that his or her marketing research efforts were of the highest quality, the researcher would have then used ________ characteristic of good marketing research to assist in the research effort.

If a marketing researcher were to use careful observation, hypotheses, prediction, and testing to ensure that his or her marketing research efforts were of the highest quality, the researcher would have then used ________ characteristic of good marketing research to assist in the research effort.

a. research creativity
b. scientific method
c. ethical marketing
d. multiple methods
e. interdependence of models and data

Answer: b

If you decided to interview members of your class with regard to issues relating to the university and college life, you would have selected the ________ as a means of sampling members of the total population.

If you decided to interview members of your class with regard to issues relating to the university and college life, you would have selected the ________ as a means of sampling members of the total population.

a. simple random sample
b. stratified random sample
c. cluster (area) sample
d. convenience sample
e. quota sample

Answer: d

One set of consumers, during a focus-group session, indicated that Dell computers reminded them of a surfer, Apple computers were equated to a mad scientist, and IBM computers to Scrooge from the Dickens's tale. Which of the following qualitative research approaches matches to the approach described above?

One set of consumers, during a focus-group session, indicated that Dell computers reminded them of a surfer, Apple computers were equated to a mad scientist, and IBM computers to Scrooge from the Dickens's tale. Which of the following qualitative research approaches matches to the approach described above?

a. Projective techniques
b. Visualization
c. Brand personification
d. Laddering
e. Pyramiding

Answer: c

If a questionnaire says "Small college classes are better places to learn effectively: (choose) 1__ Strongly disagree, 2 __ Disagree, 3__ Neither agree nor disagree, 4__ Agree, 5__ Strongly agree," the researcher would be using which of the following to discover data.

If a questionnaire says "Small college classes are better places to learn effectively: (choose) 1__ Strongly disagree, 2 __ Disagree, 3__ Neither agree nor disagree, 4__ Agree, 5__ Strongly agree," the researcher would be using which of the following to discover data.

a. Likert scale
b. Semantic differential
c. Multiple choice
d. Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)
e. Dichotomous question

Answer: a

One of the don'ts of questionnaire construction is to ensure that fixed responses do not overlap. Which of the following is the best illustration of a problem that this "don't" might cause?

One of the don'ts of questionnaire construction is to ensure that fixed responses do not overlap. Which of the following is the best illustration of a problem that this "don't" might cause?

a. A question has three possible responses: yes, no, or maybe.
b. An income question asks for an income designation in one of the following income categories: $0-$20,000, $20,000-$40,000, or $40,000 and above.
c. A consumer is asked to describe a recent event while driving.
d. A consumer must describe a cartoon about buying a car.
e. A consumer is asked whether or not he or she could spy on another consumer's shopping experience.

Answer: b

Before Sandra Perez opened her floral shop she read all she could on the industry. She also reviewed library data banks on growth patterns in the local area with particular interest in the location of florists throughout the city. This ________ assisted her in deciding where to locate her store.

Before Sandra Perez opened her floral shop she read all she could on the industry. She also reviewed library data banks on growth patterns in the local area with particular interest in the location of florists throughout the city. This ________ assisted her in deciding where to locate her store.

a. primary information
b. secondary information
c. guerilla marketing data
d. tertiary information
e. nonpersonal information

Answer: b

Which of the following is the best definition of the market research problem as American Airlines conducts research to determine whether to make the in-flight Internet available to first-class passengers?

Which of the following is the best definition of the market research problem as American Airlines conducts research to determine whether to make the in-flight Internet available to first-class passengers?

a. Find out whether enough passengers aboard a B747 flying direct between Chicago and Tokyo would be willing to pay $25 for an Internet connection for American Airlines to break even in one year on the cost of offering this service.
b. Find out everything you can about first-class air travelers' needs.
c. Will offering an in-flight Internet service create enough incremental preference and profit for American Airlines to justify its cost against other possible investments in service enhancements American might make?
d. Is the Internet an important element of first-class air travelers' work and home lives?
e. None of the above.

Answer: c

Assume that you are a marketing research director for a medium-sized manufacturing firm and you would like to engage an outside marketing research firm to conduct your field interviews. Which of the following options would be your best choice to achieve your objective?

Assume that you are a marketing research director for a medium-sized manufacturing firm and you would like to engage an outside marketing research firm to conduct your field interviews. Which of the following options would be your best choice to achieve your objective?

a. A syndicated-service research firm
b. A custom marketing research firm
c. A global research management firm
d. A specialty-line marketing research firm
e. A brand-management specialty research firm

Answer: d

A low market-penetration index indicates ________.

A low market-penetration index indicates ________.

a. substantial growth potential for all firms
b. substantial growth opportunities for few firms
c. it will be very expensive to attract more prospects
d. price competition is increasing
e. profit margins are falling

Answer: a

_____ for a product is the total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined marketing program.

_____ for a product is the total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined marketing program.

a. Market share
b. Market supply
c. Market demand
d. Market potential
e. Market penetration

Answer: c

A marketing manager, during an annual planning meeting, would like to have the department's staff examine the set of consumers who have interest, income, and access to the company's offers, known as the ________.

A marketing manager, during an annual planning meeting, would like to have the department's staff examine the set of consumers who have interest, income, and access to the company's offers, known as the ________.

a. potential market
b. available market
c. target market
d. penetrated market
e. repositioned market

Answer: b

Frito-Lay has seen a rise in chip snacking by grown-ups and believes it is a result of more directed marketing efforts toward ________, who continued to snack on Frito-Lay products into adulthood.

Frito-Lay has seen a rise in chip snacking by grown-ups and believes it is a result of more directed marketing efforts toward ________, who continued to snack on Frito-Lay products into adulthood.

a. infants
b. young children
c. parents
d. teens
e. none of the above

Answer: d

_______ lobby government officials and pressure business executives to pay more attention to consumers' rights, women's rights, senior citizens' rights, minority rights, and gay rights.

_______ lobby government officials and pressure business executives to pay more attention to consumers' rights, women's rights, senior citizens' rights, minority rights, and gay rights.

a. Political action committees (PACs)
b. Universities and colleges
c. The Better Business Bureau
d. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
e. Manufacturing trade associations (MTAs)

Answer: a

Marketers look at where consumers are gathering to gain insights into consumption trends. The movement to ________ states has lessened the demand for warm clothing and increased the demand for air conditioning.

Marketers look at where consumers are gathering to gain insights into consumption trends. The movement to ________ states has lessened the demand for warm clothing and increased the demand for air conditioning.

a. Northeast
b. Sunbelt
c. Midwest
d. West Coast
e. Mountain

Answer: b

In response to the U.S. income distribution trend toward ________, Levi-Strauss introduced premium Levi's Capital E line to upscale retailers and the less-expensive Levi Strauss Signature line to mass-market retailers.

In response to the U.S. income distribution trend toward ________, Levi-Strauss introduced premium Levi's Capital E line to upscale retailers and the less-expensive Levi Strauss Signature line to mass-market retailers.

a. very low incomes
b. mostly low incomes
c. very low and very high incomes
d. mostly medium incomes
e. low and high incomes, with a shrinking middle income segment

Answer: e

According to information provided in the text, ________ is an example of a country with a very young and rapidly expanding population where products such as milk, diapers, school supplies, and toys would be important.

According to information provided in the text, ________ is an example of a country with a very young and rapidly expanding population where products such as milk, diapers, school supplies, and toys would be important.

a. Japan
b. France
c. Spain
d. Mexico
e. the United Kingdom

Answer: d

Which of the following best describes the practice used by McDonald's when it hired mystery shoppers to assess stores' internal speed standards?

Which of the following best describes the practice used by McDonald's when it hired mystery shoppers to assess stores' internal speed standards?

a. Training and motivating the sales force to spot and report new developments
b. Motivating intermediaries to pass along important intelligence
c. Networking externally
d. Setting up an advisory panel
e. Taking advantage of government data sources

Answer: b is a service provider that allows contractors to describe their level of satisfaction with subcontractors. This is an example of a(n) ________. is a service provider that allows contractors to describe their level of satisfaction with subcontractors. This is an example of a(n) ________.

a. independent customer goods and service review forum
b. public blog
c. customer complaint site
d. combo site offering customer reviews and expert opinions
e. distributor or sales agent feedback site

Answer: e

An important force affecting business is the ________—a movement of citizens and government organized to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in relation to sellers.

An important force affecting business is the ________—a movement of citizens and government organized to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in relation to sellers.

a. lobbyist movement
b. consumerist movement
c. environmental movement
d. self-rights movement
e. ethical reform movement

Answer: b

DuPont commissioned marketing studies to uncover personal pillow behavior for its Dacron Polyester unit that supplies filling to pillow makers and sells its own Comforel brand. Which of the following was revealed by research to be the primary challenge faced by DuPont in expanding sales in the pillow industry?

DuPont commissioned marketing studies to uncover personal pillow behavior for its Dacron Polyester unit that supplies filling to pillow makers and sells its own Comforel brand. Which of the following was revealed by research to be the primary challenge faced by DuPont in expanding sales in the pillow industry?

a. Price
b. People not wanting to give up their old pillows
c. The smell associated with polyester
d. The lack of a favorable reputation in the industry
e. Competition from China

Answer: b

As the manager of an organization that is attempting to build a MIS, you have been informed that a MIS is built upon three fundamental information sources. The sources are ________, marketing intelligence activities, and marketing research.

As the manager of an organization that is attempting to build a MIS, you have been informed that a MIS is built upon three fundamental information sources. The sources are ________, marketing intelligence activities, and marketing research.

a. external records and documents
b. databases found on the Internet
c. consultant reports
d. internal company records
e. secondary data from government sources such as the Better Business Bureau

Answer: d

The ________ is the process that starts with sales representatives, dealers, and customers sending orders to the firm, ends with item shipment and bill payment, and includes the preparation of invoices and the back-order of out-of-stock items.

The ________ is the process that starts with sales representatives, dealers, and customers sending orders to the firm, ends with item shipment and bill payment, and includes the preparation of invoices and the back-order of out-of-stock items.

a. sales information cycle
b. order-to-payment cycle
c. demographic trend
d. marketing information system
e. marketing intelligence

Answer: b

By equipping its sales force with handheld devices with bar-code readers and Internet connections to speed inventory assessment, TaylorMade's sales reps have significantly more time to interact with their consumers. This is an example of the use of technology in improving ________.

By equipping its sales force with handheld devices with bar-code readers and Internet connections to speed inventory assessment, TaylorMade's sales reps have significantly more time to interact with their consumers. This is an example of the use of technology in improving ________.

a. sales information systems
b. order-to-payment cycles
c. cookies
d. cohort segmentation
e. competitive intelligence gathering

Answer: a

From a branding perspective, "green marketing" programs have not been entirely successful. ________ must be overcome for "green marketing" programs to be more successful.

From a branding perspective, "green marketing" programs have not been entirely successful. ________ must be overcome for "green marketing" programs to be more successful.

a. Perceived inferior quality and lack of credibility
b. High cost
c. Poor promotions
d. Resistance by the youth segment in the marketplace
e. Lack of support by governmental agencies and concerns

Answer: a

The largest consumer environmental segment is the True Blue Greens, who are characterized by ________.

The largest consumer environmental segment is the True Blue Greens, who are characterized by ________.

a. a strong knowledge of environmental issues and a higher likelihood to engage in environmentally conscious behavior
b. the belief that their individual behavior cannot improve environmental conditions
c. their belief that environmental indifference is mainstream
d. a lack of time or inclination to behave entirely green
e. the purchase of environmentally conscious products, but only if those products meet their needs

Answer: a

The purpose of ________ legislation is to protect companies from unfair competition, to protect consumers from unfair business practices, and to protect the interests of society from unbridled business behavior.

The purpose of ________ legislation is to protect companies from unfair competition, to protect consumers from unfair business practices, and to protect the interests of society from unbridled business behavior.

a. business
b. consumer
c. bipartisan
d. activist
e. global

Answer: a

Marketers need to be aware of threats and opportunities associated with four trends in the natural environment, including all of the following EXCEPT ________.

Marketers need to be aware of threats and opportunities associated with four trends in the natural environment, including all of the following EXCEPT ________.

a. the shortage of raw materials
b. the increased cost of energy
c. near 90% corporate support for "green causes"
d. increased pollution levels
e. the changing role of governments

Answer: c

With respect to the shortage of raw materials, air and water are classified as ________ resources. However, as we know, problems are beginning to plague both our air and water quality.

With respect to the shortage of raw materials, air and water are classified as ________ resources. However, as we know, problems are beginning to plague both our air and water quality.

a. infinite
b. near finite
c. finite renewable
d. finite nonrenewable
e. absolute

Answer: a

"Green marketing myopia" is a term used to describe the tendency to ________.

"Green marketing myopia" is a term used to describe the tendency to ________.

a. completely ignore environmental issues
b. regard environmental issues as too abstract to provide customer value
c. balance environmental concerns with other forms of customer value
d. overly focus on a product's greenness
e. none of the above

Answer: d

According to the information found in the social-cultural environment, with respect to views of others, ________ are considered to be things that allow people who are alone to feel they are not (e.g., television, home video games, and Internet chat rooms).

According to the information found in the social-cultural environment, with respect to views of others, ________ are considered to be things that allow people who are alone to feel they are not (e.g., television, home video games, and Internet chat rooms).

a. social surrogates
b. subliminal fantasies
c. relationship avoidance
d. primary products
e. secondary products

Answer: a

Today, corporations need to make sure that they are good corporate citizens and that their consumer messages are honest in order to positively align themselves with consumers' ________.

Today, corporations need to make sure that they are good corporate citizens and that their consumer messages are honest in order to positively align themselves with consumers' ________.

a. views of others
b. views of organizations
c. views of themselves
d. views of the universe
e. views of society

Answer: b

According to information presented in the text, which of the following countries is surprisingly a very good market for Lamborghini automobiles (costing more than $150,000) because of the number of wealthy families that can afford expensive cars.

According to information presented in the text, which of the following countries is surprisingly a very good market for Lamborghini automobiles (costing more than $150,000) because of the number of wealthy families that can afford expensive cars.

a. Greece
b. Switzerland
c. Holland
d. Russia
e. Portugal

Answer: e

Frequently noted as a megatrend, the increasing percentage of _____ in the total population represents a major shift in cultural center of gravity in the United States.

Frequently noted as a megatrend, the increasing percentage of _____ in the total population represents a major shift in cultural center of gravity in the United States.

a. African Americans
b. European Americans
c. Asian Americans
d. Hispanic Americans
e. Middle Eastern Americans

Answer: d

The beginning of the new century brought a series of new challenges. All of the following would be considered to be among those challenges EXCEPT ________.

The beginning of the new century brought a series of new challenges. All of the following would be considered to be among those challenges EXCEPT ________.

a. a deterioration of innovative ideas
b. the steep decline of the stock market
c. increasing unemployment
d. corporate scandals
e. the rise of terrorism

Answer: a

A significant fact about population growth and population shifts is that in 2005, ________.

A significant fact about population growth and population shifts is that in 2005, ________.

a. the youth market exceeded that of the adult market
b. people over the age of 60 outnumbered those under five years of age
c. baby boomers were eclipsed by Gen X young adults
d. most age group segments were about equal
e. N Generation young adults surpassed the baby boomers as the largest age segment

Answer: b

The ________ regions of the world currently account for 76% of the world population and are growing almost four times faster than the populations of ________ regions.

The ________ regions of the world currently account for 76% of the world population and are growing almost four times faster than the populations of ________ regions.

a. industrialized; service-based
b. less-developed; more developed
c. Western; Eastern
d. wealthier; poorer
e. Democratic; Socialist

Answer: b

One of the difficulties of using chat rooms and blogs to collect competitive intelligence is that ________.

One of the difficulties of using chat rooms and blogs to collect competitive intelligence is that ________.

a. their unstructured nature makes it difficult for marketers to find relevant messages
b. people are generally unwilling to share their perspective on products and services without being paid for them
c. they constitute a very expensive form of market research
d. it is difficult to access chat rooms and blogs because of privacy issues
e. All of the above are difficulties experienced when using chat rooms and blogs to collect competitive intelligence.

Answer: a

There are several ways marketers can find relevant online information on competitors' products and weaknesses, summary comments, and overall performance rating of a product, service, or supplier. ________ is(are) a type of site that is concentrated in financial services and high-tech products that require professional knowledge.

There are several ways marketers can find relevant online information on competitors' products and weaknesses, summary comments, and overall performance rating of a product, service, or supplier. ________ is(are) a type of site that is concentrated in financial services and high-tech products that require professional knowledge.

a. Independent customer goods and service reviews
b. Distributor or sales agent feedback sites
c. Combo sites offering customer reviews and expert opinions
d. Customer complaint sites
e. Shopping bot service sites

Answer: c

______ have been described as "large social, economic, political and technological changes [that] are slow to form, and once in place, they influence us for some time—between seven and ten years, or longer.

______ have been described as "large social, economic, political and technological changes [that] are slow to form, and once in place, they influence us for some time—between seven and ten years, or longer.

a. Fads
b. Fashions
c. Trends
d. Megatrends
e. Styles

Answer: d

When a marketer "mines" his or her company's database, fresh insights can be gained into neglected customer segments, ________, and other useful information.

When a marketer "mines" his or her company's database, fresh insights can be gained into neglected customer segments, ________, and other useful information.

a. recent customer trends
b. long-term competitive trends
c. possible new inventions
d. possible new technologies
e. new primary data possibilities

Answer: a

A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using ________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.

A company can take several steps to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence. If the company purchases competitive products for study, attends open houses and trade shows, and reads competitors' published reports and stockholder information, the company is using ________ to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence.

a. sales-force surrogates
b. intermediaries
c. external networks
d. advisory panels
e. customer feedback systems

Answer: c

All of the following would be considered to be steps to improve the quality of marketing intelligence in a company EXCEPT ________.

All of the following would be considered to be steps to improve the quality of marketing intelligence in a company EXCEPT ________.

a. training and motivating the sales force to spot and report new developments
b. using guerrilla tactics such as going through a competitor's trash
c. motivating intermediaries to pass along important information
d. networking externally
e. purchasing information from outside suppliers

Answer: b

The 2000 U.S. census provides an in-depth look at the population swings, demographic groups, regional migrations, and changing family structure of 281+ million people. Which of the following steps to improve the quality of a company marketing intelligence system would be most closely associated with this illustration?

The 2000 U.S. census provides an in-depth look at the population swings, demographic groups, regional migrations, and changing family structure of 281+ million people. Which of the following steps to improve the quality of a company marketing intelligence system would be most closely associated with this illustration?

a. A company can purchase information from outside suppliers.
b. A company can take advantage of government data sources.
c. A company can use online customer feedback systems to collect data.
d. A company can network externally.
e. A company can use its sales force to collect and report data.

Answer: b

All of the following questions EXCEPT one would be considered to be forms of information needs probes. Which one?

All of the following questions EXCEPT one would be considered to be forms of information needs probes. Which one?

a. What decisions do you regularly make?
b. What information do you need to make decisions?
c. What data analysis programs would you want?
d. What magazines and trade reports would you like to see on a regular basis?
e. What products would be most closely matched to consumer needs?

Answer: e

_______ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

_______ consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

a. A marketing information system
b. A marketing research system
c. A marketing intelligence system
d. A promotional campaign
e. A marketing database

Answer: a

The company's marketing information system should be a cross between what managers think they need, what managers really need, and ________.

The company's marketing information system should be a cross between what managers think they need, what managers really need, and ________.

a. what the marketing research department is able to do
b. what consumers are willing to share
c. what the competition is doing
d. what is acceptable industry practice
e. what is economically feasible

Answer: e

The heart of the internal records system is the ________.

The heart of the internal records system is the ________.

a. database
b. asset acquisition process
c. order-to-payment cycle
d. service consideration
e. information liquidity ratio

Answer: c

The most frequently used type of compensation plan is a:

The most frequently used type of compensation plan is a:

a. straight salary compensation plan.
b. straight commission compensation plan.
c. combination compensation plan.
d. weighted compensation plan.
e. delayed compensation plan

Answer: c

An effective sales plan objective should be:

An effective sales plan objective should be:

a. precise, measurable, time specific.
b. general, measurable, and flexible.
c. profitable, subjective, and measurable.
d. precise, profitable, and flexible.
e. general, flexible, and profitable.

Answer: a

A formula-based method for determining the size of a salesforce that integrates the number of customers served, call frequency, call length, and available selling time to arrive at a salesforce size figure is called a(n)

A formula-based method for determining the size of a salesforce that integrates the number of customers served, call frequency, call length, and available selling time to arrive at a salesforce size figure is called a(n)

a. Sales response method
b. Account management method
c. Work horse method
d. Reach-frequency method
e. Workload method

Answer: e

Research on salesperson motivation suggests that what produces motivated salespeople is: (1) a clear job description, (2) effective sales management practice, (3) a sense of achievement, and (4):

Research on salesperson motivation suggests that what produces motivated salespeople is: (1) a clear job description, (2) effective sales management practice, (3) a sense of achievement, and (4):

a. a swift kick in the boot now and then.
b. freedom to do one's own thing.
c. an unlimited expense account.
d. proper incentives and rewards.
e. a higher-than-average salary.

Answer: d

A selling format that assumes a presentation consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect is called a:

A selling format that assumes a presentation consists of information that must be provided in an accurate, thorough, and step-by-step manner to inform the prospect is called a:

a. formula selling presentation.
b. stimulus-response presentation.
c. needs-satisfaction presentation.
d. hard sell.
e. persuasive sales presentation.

Answer: a

A salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on a customer's use of a product or service is a(n):

A salesperson who sells in a conventional sense and identifies prospective customers, provides customers with information, persuades customers to buy, closes sales, and follows up on a customer's use of a product or service is a(n):

a. order taker.
b. order getter.
c. missionary salesperson.
d. sales engineer.
e. team seller.

Answer: b

The increasing efforts by advertising agencies, trade associations, and marketing associations to impose standards upon themselves that reflect the values of society are called:

The increasing efforts by advertising agencies, trade associations, and marketing associations to impose standards upon themselves that reflect the values of society are called:

a. legislation.
b. self-regulation.
c. business practice.
d. ethics.
e. government regulation.

Answer: b

The objective(s) of using contests is/are to:

The objective(s) of using contests is/are to:

a. stimulate demand.
b. increase trial and retaliate against competitors' actions.
c. encourage present customers to buy more; minimize brand switching behaviour.
d. encourage new product trial.
e. increase consumer purchases; build business inventory.

Answer: e

The objective(s) of using premiums is/are to:

The objective(s) of using premiums is/are to:

a. encourage customers to return frequently or to use more of the product, and to build goodwill.
b. increase trial and retaliate against competitors' actions.
c. encourage present customers to buy more; minimize brand switching behaviour.
d. encourage new product trial.
e. encourage repeat purchases

Answer: a

The objective(s) of distributing coupons is/are to:

The objective(s) of distributing coupons is/are to:

a. stimulate demand.
b. increase trial, and retaliate against competitor's actions.
c. encourage present customers to buy more, and minimize brand switching behaviour.
d. encourage new product trial.
e. encourage repeat purchases.

Answer: a

The offer of one free pizza with the purchase of two pizzas at the regular price might appeal to you one evening. What is the term for this incentive offer?

The offer of one free pizza with the purchase of two pizzas at the regular price might appeal to you one evening. What is the term for this incentive offer?

a. Mass-market communication
b. Customer-oriented encoding
c. Consumer-oriented sales promotion
d. Consumer encoding
e. Consumer feedback

Answer: c

A retail store marketing vice president is developing an advertising budget using the objective and task method. She has the objective of clearing slow-moving merchandise from her shelves and is trying to choose between radio and newspaper ads. Which of the following is an advantage of radio relative to newspaper as a means of achieving the objective?

A retail store marketing vice president is developing an advertising budget using the objective and task method. She has the objective of clearing slow-moving merchandise from her shelves and is trying to choose between radio and newspaper ads. Which of the following is an advantage of radio relative to newspaper as a means of achieving the objective?

a. Better reach
b. More effective visuals
c. Ads can be saved by consumers
d. Better segmentation capability
e. More effective in conveying complex information

Answer: d

A concern when using humor appeal is:

A concern when using humor appeal is:

a. what adults find humorous, children do not.
b. what children find humorous, adults do not.
c. most humorous advertisements make someone feel offended.
d. humor tends to bore consumers quickly, causing "wearout."
e. all of the above.

Answer: d

Concern when using sex appeal is:

Concern when using sex appeal is:

a. what men find sexy, women don't.
b. what women find sexy, men don't.
c. sex appeal fails to gain audience attention.
d. the sex appeal of the ad distracts the audience from the product.
e. sex appeal doesn't have any effect on senior citizens.

Answer: d

Most advertising messages are made up of two types of elements:

Most advertising messages are made up of two types of elements:

a. functional and persuasional.
b. expository and persuasional.
c. informational and persuasional.
d. informational and creative.
e. creative and expository.

Answer: c

The primary purpose of a pioneering advertisement is to:

The primary purpose of a pioneering advertisement is to:

a. promote a specific brand's features and benefits.
b. tell people what a product is, what it can do, and where it can be found.
c. show one brand's strengths relative to those of competitors.
d. reinforce previous knowledge of a product.
e. build goodwill or an image for an organization rather than promote a specific good or service.

Answer: b

The concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities to provide a consistent message across all audiences is referred to as:

The concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities to provide a consistent message across all audiences is referred to as:

a. advertising and sales promotion
b. product/service promotion
c. integrated marketing communications
d. marketing management
e. management by objectives

Answer: c

With respect to promotional element decisions, a product's ancillary services pertain to:

With respect to promotional element decisions, a product's ancillary services pertain to:

a. non-warranted product features.
b. the technical sophistication of the product.
c. product features not originally envisioned by the manufacturer.
d. warranties.
e. the degree of service or support required after the sale.

Answer: e

An advantage of publicity is:

An advantage of publicity is:

a. credibility.
b. control.
c. colour.
d. intrusiveness.
e. high cost.

Answer: a

Decoding is the process of:

Decoding is the process of:

a. receiving a message that contains a common field of experience.
b. receiving a message which requires integration of new information.
c. having the sender transform an abstract idea into a set of symbols.
d. having a receiver take a set of symbols, the message, and transform them back to an abstract idea.
e. creating a common field of experience.

Answer: d

Encoding refers to:

Encoding refers to:

a. receiving a message with a common field of experience.
b. receiving a message which requires integration of new information.
c. the process of having the sender transform an abstract idea into a set of symbols.
d. the process of selecting a communication channel.
e. creating a common field of experience.

Answer: c

One of the communication elements, the source, refers to:

One of the communication elements, the source, refers to:

a. any information which is paid for.
b. consumers who read, hear, or see the message
c. similar understanding and knowledge.
d. a company or person who has information to convey.
e. any knowledgeable group of individuals.

Answer: d

The process of conveying a message to others that requires six central elements - a source, a message, channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding is called:

The process of conveying a message to others that requires six central elements - a source, a message, channel of communication, a receiver, and the processes of encoding and decoding is called:

a. exchange.
b. dialogue.
c. communication.
d. promotion.
e. feedback.

Answer: c

Allocating funds to promotion whereby the company (1) determines its promotion objectives, (2) outlines the tasks to accomplish these objectives, and (3) determines the promotion cost of performing these tasks, is referred to as

Allocating funds to promotion whereby the company (1) determines its promotion objectives, (2) outlines the tasks to accomplish these objectives, and (3) determines the promotion cost of performing these tasks, is referred to as

a. percent of sales
b. objective and task
c. economies of scale
d. competitive parity

Answer: b

The concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinates all promotional activities—advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing—to provide a consistent message across all audiences is referred to as _________.

The concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinates all promotional activities—advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing—to provide a consistent message across all audiences is referred to as _________.

a. the marketing mix
b. the media mix
c. the marketing matrix
d. integrated marketing communications

Answer: d

A reason to carry inventory would include:

A reason to carry inventory would include:

a. to have tax write-off opportunities
b. having a wide variety to meet customer expectations
c. to increase ways to use the product
d. supplementation of synergy strategies
e. to promote purchasing and transportation discounts

Answer: e

TOFC is the same as:

TOFC is the same as:

a. piggyback
b. total fleet command
c. tri-optic float carrier
d. one-way dispatching
e. deadheading control

Answer: a

The seller must concentrate on removing unnecessary barriers to:

The seller must concentrate on removing unnecessary barriers to:

a. quick response orientation
b. customer convenience
c. transportation modes
d. facilitate piggy-back operation
e. allow customer to see you (the seller)

Answer: b

Dependability is the consistency of:

Dependability is the consistency of:

a. replenishment
b. efficient consumer response
c. supply chain manager
d. the ebb and flow of goods
e. good forecast of needs

Answer: a

Lead time and order cycle time are the same as:

Lead time and order cycle time are the same as:

a. customer service time
b. supply chain flow
c. logistical clockage
d. replenishment time
e. real time service time

Answer: d

The total logistics cost factors need to be balanced against the:

The total logistics cost factors need to be balanced against the:

a. supply chain managers total experience
b. total expected transportation needs
c. customer service factors
d. lead time expectations
e. replenishment time forecasts

Answer: c

The total logistics cost includes expenses associated with transportation, materials handling and:

The total logistics cost includes expenses associated with transportation, materials handling and:

a. customer complaints, cost of food and highway usage taxes
b. warehousing, inventory, stockouts and order processing
c. inventory control with sales forecasting
d. stock outage control with sales forecasting
e. historical figures weighted by last years numbers

Answer: b

The physical characteristics of a product will often dictate what:

The physical characteristics of a product will often dictate what:

a. types of sales can be made
b. forms of sales promotion to be used
c. types of instructions needed
d. geographic regions will be included
e. kinds of transportation can be used

Answer: e

A supply chain is essentially a sequence of linked:

A supply chain is essentially a sequence of linked:

a. customer and prospects
b. supplier and manufacturer
c. suppliers and customers
d. warehousing and wholesaling units
e. events in the marketing process

Answer: c

An important feature of supply chain management is its application of electronic commerce technology that allows companies to share and operate systems for:

An important feature of supply chain management is its application of electronic commerce technology that allows companies to share and operate systems for:

a. order processing, transportation scheduling, and inventory management.
b. cost-effective flowing of raw materials
c. future purchasing of computer systems
d. future merger opportunities

Answer: a

A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required:

A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required:

a. to find products that are similar
b. to facilitate wholesalers inventory selections
c. to create synergy in their training programs
d. to create and deliver goods to consumers
e. to support the acquisition of raw materials

Answer: d

Which of the following statements about Gateway computers is NOT true?

Which of the following statements about Gateway computers is NOT true?

a. Started business in 1985
b. Competes against Dell computers
c. Operates 58 showrooms
d. Distributes 80% of its computers through the showrooms
e. Focuses on personal computer products

Answer: d

Washers and stoves would normally use:

Washers and stoves would normally use:

a. exclusive distribution
b. intensive distribution
c. selective distribution
d. subjective distribution
e. global distribution

Answer: c

Achieving the best coverage of the target market requires attention to the density type of retail operations to be used. These are three choices:

Achieving the best coverage of the target market requires attention to the density type of retail operations to be used. These are three choices:

a. intensive, selective, and exclusive
b. selective, non-selective, and garbled
c. selective, exclusive, and concentrated
d. highly subjective, retention, and discriminatory
e. all methods are the same

Answer: a

An example of an Internet marketing channel would be:

An example of an Internet marketing channel would be:

a. McDonalds restaurants
b. Shopper's Drug Mart pharmacies
c. Bell Telephoned. Cineplex Theatres
e. Dell Computers

Answer: e

The most indirect channel would be best suited when there are:

The most indirect channel would be best suited when there are:

a. geographic differences of location
b. many small manufacturers and small retailers
c. multiple products being delivered
d. industrial needs and users
e. multiple market manager involved

Answer: b

_______ is the blending of different marketing channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining, and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online.

_______ is the blending of different marketing channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining, and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online.

a. Multichannel marketing
b. Exclusive distribution
c. Dual distribution
d. Focused distribution

Answer: a